Friday, February 5, 2010

Software Testing Manhattan Is Automated Software Testing Or Manual Testing Career Line Good For Non Programming People?

Is Automated software testing or manual testing career line good for non programming people? - software testing manhattan

I finished Mstera in Management Information Systems from UNI. I began to read books on Software Testing by Ron Patton. What should I read for more information on the long experience of the real world? Experimenting with automated software is easier to enter the software testing? or manually?


Inder P Singh said...

To have a successful test run, you need to know about manual testing and automated testing.

Please visit the following link to view a list of good books of essays, see: ...

Inder P Singh

Colinc said...

You need very good knowledge of English, because there are reports that the letter is as a whole. Also, most companies require a high degree of programming skills, but not high enough to create software.

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